Friday, March 21, 2008

Backyard beautified for the big day!

There are so many different ways to beautify your backyard.

Color can add so much to a beautiful backyard setting. Choosing flowers that match the colors of your wedding can accent in such a simple yet fufilling way! English gardens, vining and climbing plants, and even a fun koi pond in your back yard are all ways to create beauty and add elegance!

Clean up is no fun at the time, but can add much elegance to your big day. Cleaning up old dead tree branches, trimming bushes and organizing garages and outdoor sheds are ways to create a beautiful setting for a backyard wedding. Chipper shredder vacuums are an excellent way to maintain not only branches and twigs, but help to remove extra clipping and leaves from your yard as well. Accept some help with the chipper shredder vacuum.

Lighting not only can add some fun for the big day, but will help to accent your own home once getting settled. Solar outdoor lighting is simple to use, very inexpensive and we love the fact that it's very usable even after the big day is only memories! For help in bringing memories back to reality get solar outdoor lighting.

Places for people to relax are a necessity. Pine outdoor furniture is a fun way to not only add decorations and places for people to kick back on following the ceremony, but is definitely a piece of furniture that will help to grow old along with you and your marriage!

Just use your imagination and anything can become possible. A beautiful can be as elaborate or as simple as you like. Just be sure to have a little fun in the planning phase! Take some time to spend with friends and family and relax! It will surely all come together!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Spicing up the Arch

There are so many ways to decorate a garden arch, all you need to do is use a little imagination! If you find an elegant garden archway to begin with, it does take some time to get things going, but the longer you stick to it, the more beautiful and filling it becomes.

If you're more in a time crunch, and there's no way you will get your garden archway plants up to your specifications by the wedding date, consider some other options. Some ideas just quick off the top of my head would maybe consist of tying a combination of colored balloons to the arch and make it look really full. A few extra balloons would be a huge hit for the kids at the wedding. Children are always looking for entertainment! Evergreen sprigs wired with pine cones accenting would be another simple decoration for a very reasonable price. Even with an evening wedding at dusk just string lights would look amazing!

Keep in mind that by getting a garden arch for your wedding, it is always something you can implement into your own backyard setting when you're established in your new home. Think about the memories that the arch will have for you through the years!

For Vining and climbing plant ideas click here

Once you are established in your own home and things settle down, you'll find time to decorate your home. The website will help you determine which plants prefer shade vs sunlight, help you determine what type of ground they work best in, as well as the amount of water they need.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Simple or Bust

Weddings can be very simple or as dramatic as ever. Sticker shock on purchases for a wedding can outrageous! Having been through MANY weddings and our own marriage of 3 1/2 years, it's amazing what you think of after the fact.

My suggestions to those that are planning a wedding would be to spend the money on what you will use and cherish in future years. For example, photography, in my mind was a high priority. Rings were another of the higher priorities. We had a fall wedding and I purchased a variety of greenery for cheap on the internet. I borrowed a decorative arch for the doorway and put my greenery w/ lights around it. I borrowed lattice that had been passed around for many different weddings to put up along the wall, and put lights running around the top of it. I had also purchased tulle on the internet for a very reasonable price. Our decorating was simple in terms of time and planning, yet we had a lot of comments on how lovely it looked. Fall was the time of year that worked best for both my husband and I, but I would have loved a summer wedding!

I love the outdoors, and there are so many things you are able to do with a wedding during summer months. If I was to redo it all over again, I'd love to have a wedding in my backyard. I'm a firm believer that simple elegance is much nicer than overdoing it. Keep in mind the debt load a high majority of newly weds acquire after marriage. Leaving a huge financial burden and a testing marriage from the get-go. Just what we need these days!

I love trying new flowers, bulbs, bushes. Garden archways are very reasonable to purchase and you are able to decorate them in so many different ways. Borrow tables from your local church, fire hall, school, or friends and family. Use friends and neighbors experience at what they love to do. If you're grandma is an avid gardener and is on a tight budget, by all means, give her some guidance on what you're looking for and let her help you out! You'll be thankful in the end!

There are so many "last minute" details to complete, that if you're not too particular, find a friend that loves to decorate. Give them some guidelines and let them run with it. It will surely be more spontaneous for you and your new husband to be. An extra added bonus when you're not having rehearsal, the rehearsal dinner, fixing what didn't work right the first time for decorating and getting that much needed sleep for the big day.

Click here for some help on garden archway ideas. If you look around there is also a variety of other backyard ideas like ponds and outdoor lighting ideas.